Welcome to

Rhys’ Ministry of Music

Your First Lesson is Free


Piano Lessons

Piano Lessons are the best place to start, if you’re brand new to music piano is the instrument for you! Learning piano will teach you how to understand the building blocks of music, developing your knowledge with the fundamentals to pursue any part of music you desire. Piano is the best starting instrument for all ages, experience levels and for its versatility of genre.

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Vocal Lessons

We offer Vocal Lessons for all ages and levels of skill in the genres of your choice. Vocal Lessons will teach you to control and understand your voice on a deeper level, helping you reach the full potential of your voice and training your pitch recognition.


Guitar Lessons

Guitar is a favourited option to start of with for its versatility, as it can be played well in the hands of someone just starting to learn or someone who has mastered the instrument. Through the pursuit of guitar you can learn many different styles and much of the fundamentals of music theory. Learning guitar gives you the ability to play anywhere, anytime and practically anything you want with the right knowledge.


Bass Lessons

Bass guitar is easy to learn but hard to master. Great for learning the basics of baselines and learning to follow along to music. With its booming sound, the Bass guitar is a joy to learn and play.

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Ukulele Lessons

Once of the most used instruments for cover songs, the ukulele’s strengths lie in that it can be used to play anything from simple chords, up to a similar complexity of a guitar. The ukulele is great for those who are wanting to learn an instrument that can be played well very rapidly whilst still learning core knowledge about music. An added bonus is that it is a great transition to learning other stringed instruments.

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Music Theory

A person can play an instrument for years and not understand much beyond simple chord names. Learning music theory is essential to developing a deeper appreciation for music and can show you how you can further progress in your particular instrument. Music theory is often looked at as boring and pointless but our goal is to make it fun, interesting and teach our students the practical applications of music theory. Music theory can be learnt at any age and with varying teaching techniques based on the student and a dedication to the craft, students can experience rapid understanding of the subject without the traditional boring route of learning music theory.

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If you’re looking to compose your own music, your journey starts here! Whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned expert, We can help you create and fine tune the music you wish to create. This includes everything from film composition to radio hits, here you can learn to make any kind of music you want.