Our Classes

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Methods of Learning

Most institutes of learning have one way that they will teach you and are often lacking in adaptability. Here at Rhys’ Ministry of Music, we strive to help everyone we teach, learn in the way that they will best learn. Whether you know what that method is or not is okay, whenever a student gets stuck we will always try to re-frame and re-explain, as many times is needed until it makes sense. Patience is key to learning anything but especially music. Whether you like to learn from a book or prefer to change what you learn every lesson, we can adapt to your needs. We also offer online lessons for those who are too busy to travel or are physically unable to. This means we can offer lessons overseas as well!

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Lesson Times

Lessons occur starting at 9:30am with the last lesson starting at 8:25pm. Lessons are sectioned of in 35 minute blocks with the lesson itself going for 30 minutes. The 35 minute block allows for either 5 minutes of overtime if we believe its necessary or a 5 minute break in between lessons. Any amount of slots can be booked and if you book an hour slot you just get a 10 minute break/overtime instead of 5 (with it increasing by 5 minutes for every slot taken). Rarely will we do lessons over 2 hours as we have to give room for many other students but should you be interested in longer lessons feel free to ask. Please don’t expect the extra overtime every time though as it is up to our judgement as to whether it is worth it on the day or not and the overtime cannot exceed the specified amounts.
Please try to arrive on time and not early or late as there will usually be a student immediately before or after you.

Additionally cancellations must be done 24 hours before the scheduled lesson . If it isn’t done before the 24 hours deadline then payment is still due.

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The Studio

Currently at Rhys’ Ministry of Music, the company is based solely in a home studio where we have everything needed for a productive music lesson. In here we can teach all instruments offered both online and in person for a comfortable and enjoyable experience.

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